Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why Can't I Be In Ultimate X-MEN?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Oh ok. Cause I'm just pretending. :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

And For England!!

Alright, well Chrissy-poo, there it is. That's imasculating, isn't it?
Long fall from grace when you go from Yeoman the Great to Chrissy-poo.
Does Kym call you Chrissy-poo? I think she should. But then again I like laughing at stuff like that. I'm just a poor cynical bastard, though.
Oh well, there I go posting a 4 page preview, no words, of Gravedigger...for England apparently.
Yep. Th'whole damn country.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

And once again..

That's right ladies and gentlemen, the Yeoman has spoken once again. I'm also a lazy bastard when it comes to this thing..but hell..I've been busy finishing High School and all that. :D
I graduate Saturday, May 20th.
I'm officially awesome.
Oh yeah..I can draw too. ;)

Click the thumbnail.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Graaaavedigger!! When you dig my graave!! Would you make it shallow! So I could feel the rain!!

Ok. So I have this friend. His name's Chris. You may know him, you may not. He goes by both Chris, and Yeoman the Great. But try not to flatter him too much. Anyways, he's a fellow compatriot of mine in the brutal world of the sequential arts. I haven't had a chance to talk to my fellow soldier of fortune in a while, and the last thing he said to me was. "Post More Art!!"

Heeding his horribly dreadful bark of a command, which was gently smoothed over by a milky british accent, I decided "What the hell?" Right? And alas, there be the results. Here's a quick peak at the pencils for the last 3 panels of Page 4 from Gravedigger.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Aquaman, pre water color wash. I'll see about having a completed one scanned sometime soon.
Enjoy. All of you one person.