Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Wow I'm blogging now

Ok so, now I'm blogging..I'm a fairly unimportant person so if you're here on accident sorry. Reading this won't kill you, but it might make you live a longer life, you never know. Anyway, I'm just gonna post on updates on my comic projects, I'm an aspiring penciler, so hopefully you guys won't hate what you see. I won't get pics up for a while seeing as I need my writer to scan and send the pics to me..sad. But there shall come pics and hopefully enjoyment and contentment. Just don't mail me a bomb..crazy asses.

-me, Gavin

1 comment:

Alan Quah said...


Thanks for the kind words on Gelatometti.
Glad you got a gig already. Here's wishing all the best in your future undertakings.
