Friday, April 07, 2006

Graaaavedigger!! When you dig my graave!! Would you make it shallow! So I could feel the rain!!

Ok. So I have this friend. His name's Chris. You may know him, you may not. He goes by both Chris, and Yeoman the Great. But try not to flatter him too much. Anyways, he's a fellow compatriot of mine in the brutal world of the sequential arts. I haven't had a chance to talk to my fellow soldier of fortune in a while, and the last thing he said to me was. "Post More Art!!"

Heeding his horribly dreadful bark of a command, which was gently smoothed over by a milky british accent, I decided "What the hell?" Right? And alas, there be the results. Here's a quick peak at the pencils for the last 3 panels of Page 4 from Gravedigger.


Anonymous said...

Haha, you know, I've been so mad lately, I check back here and see Aquaman at the top again and think- "That lazy..." then I forgive you as I realise you must really be busy because you love to draw! Anyway, I think "What the hell, give it another go" and low and behold a new page! Not just any page, a GREAT page! I really love your work man, it's always a treat to see! What is "Gravedigger" though?

Gavin said...

The book I'm working on with a close friend of mine. Once we finish up 8's submission time. :)

Hopefully someone will pick it up.
The story's great, and I think the art speaks for itself.
Or atleast I hope it does,

Anonymous said...

That's awesome mate! Best of luck with it, be sure to show the pages when you're done.

Gavin said...

That's the plan. The 8 pages also severes as a preview for the Studio website.
So they'll be posted somewhere atleast, and I'll linking them up like crazy.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! I'm looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Dude, it's time... ;)